Sheenagh Gordon-Hart
Sheenagh Gordon-Hart
The Directors' Office

Sheenagh Gordon-Hart is a partner in The Directors’ Office in Luxembourg, serving as an independent director on boards in the international asset management sector. She has extensive experience and knowledge of regulation, governance and distribution. Prior to joining The Directors’ Office, she was Client & Industry Research Executive at J.P. Morgan Investor Services, with responsibility for regulatory strategy advising clients including asset managers, pension funds and insurers on market developments, and regulatory policy impacting their businesses. In addition to serving as an independent director, she is contributes monthly Regulatory Editorial to Radar, a Broadridge publication, and writes for the UK’s Fund Boards Council’s Quarterly Newsletter.

Speaking at

Wednesday, 20 March 2024
10.15 - 10.50
A closer look at global corporate governance trends

Corporate governance is dynamic. Keeping up with the ever-changing trends in global corporate governance is no easy task. Boards around the world are spending more time on their own composition, seeking to build and support boards with important subject-matter expertise, international perspective, cultural and social diversity, and generational balancing. Boards that adopt a forward-thinking approach, embrace agility, and prioritize a stakeholder-centric mindset will be best equipped to navigate the coming years ahead. This panel will explore key global governance trends, focusing on the US, Asia-Pacific and Luxembourg.

Sheenagh Gordon-Hart
Sheenagh Gordon-Hart
The Directors' Office
