Jean-François Carpantier is head of UCI Risk Macro division at the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in charge of the data driven UCI risk monitoring / supervision and of fund related analytical publications (including AIFMD, MMF, UCITS Risk dashboards and working papers on the fund liquidity stress testing framework, on the effectiveness of liquidity management tools or on large fund redemption during the COVID-19 period).
Prior to joining the CSSF, Jean-François worked as full-time professor of finance/applied econometrics at Aix-Marseille University, as advisor in the cabinet of the Belgian Finance Ministry and as lawyer at Allen & Overy Luxembourg. Jean-François Carpantier holds a master’s degree in Law and a PhD in Economics from the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).
The forward-looking nature of financial markets has historically led to the relegation of macroeconomic conditions and indicators to secondary importance. Things have changed. Recent macroeconomic and geopolitical events have served as a wake-up call for fund and risk managers. Economists are now re-evaluating this new environment, examining the impact on the industry and assessing prevailing financial stability risks.
Independent director
Head Risk Macro Division
Head of Risk
Senior Economist