People are at the heart of ALFI 

Concerned about our teams’ well-being, and aiming to improve their working conditions, we have introduced flexible working hours and the possibility to work from home. We also organise health awareness and ergonomics courses and encourage our employees to participate in sports events.


ALFI supports diversity

Already committed to equal opportunities for men and women, the association went one step further being, since October 2020, signatory of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg.

By becoming a signatory of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, ALFI commits to:

  • Respecting and promoting the principles of non-discrimination, promoting pluralism and developing diversity through recruitment criteria and career management,
  • Promoting equality of employment opportunities and equalities of treatment, and
  • Increasing capacity for innovation and creativity.  

Also, in 2021, ALFI signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). As a member of the WEPs community, the association is proud to commit to making a difference for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. 

Most recently, in 2023, ALFI became a founding member of the “Women in Finance Charter”. Supported by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance, this initiative seeks to achieve greater gender balance and inclusivity across the Luxembourg financial services industry.

ALFI promotes this initiative because it is convinced that diversity and inclusion:

  • Improve the workplace culture;
  • Correlate with profitability and value creation;
  • Enhance innovation and creativity;
  • Help society function more effectively and fairly;
  • Will foster Luxembourg’s talent pool.

ALFI becomes member of IMS

On 21 March ALFI officially became a member of IMS – Inspiring More Sustainability – Luxembourg, a network of Luxembourg companies committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

Involved since October 2020 in the IMS initiative Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, ALFI has decided to go a step further.

By becoming an IMS Luxembourg member, we want to reaffirm our commitment to raising awareness on the need for sustainable development and get further involved in the growing business and societal efforts to solve current sustainability-related issues.

We look forward to working together with other IMS members to inspire more sustainability.


ALFI is committed to making a positive impact on society 

Conscious of the relevance of the third sector as active actors of the society and promoters of societal and environmental change, and being a non-for-profit organisation in itself, ALFI supports various philanthropic activities with local NGOs.

ALFI is an official partner of the charity sports event Relais pour la vie since 2017, organised by Fondation Cancer. Our Staff have been showing our solidarity to patients affected by cancer by participating in the 24-hour team relay.

Also we support Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg Asbl and donate to Caritas, Handicaps Solidaires Luxembourg, Enfants de l’espoir and Ile aux Clowns. Since 2023, donation actions are carried out during all our flagship Conferences and the ALFI Golf Tournament that are organised in Luxembourg.

On the other hand, ALFI is committed to social entrepreneurship initiatives efforts and is a founding member of InFiNe Luxembourg and LuxFLAG.


ALFI strives to minimise its environmental impact

Aware of the impact that our activities can have on the environment, ALFI is taking some practical measures to mitigate it and reduce it.

We encourage soft mobility by:

  • Replacing staff air travel to European cities with train and bus transportation;
  • Encouraging our staff to use public transport; and
  • Offering ALFI staff annual subscriptions to Luxembourg’s public bicycle hire scheme vél’O.

We encourage the use of electronic communication means and materials in order to reduce printing and shipping-related CO2emissions by

  • Providing our members with an online platform for easy exchange of information and document storage and management. It is currently used by about 8,000 fund professionals and
  • Organising webinars and conference calls on a regular basis.

We engage with local service providers when possible and encourage the consumption of local products within the team.

We have adhered to the ecological waste management policies set out by SuperDrecksKëscht®, having been granted the use of their label since 2014.


ALFI works together with other organisations

With the shared goal to promote sustainable development of Luxembourg, we take part in different projects and initiatives with the following ecosystem of institutions (please, note that the list is not exhaustive)



ALFI also member of national and international organisations that are relevant to the funds industry.